Struct ae108::cpppetsc::InsertionProxy< INSERT_VALUES >
template <>
ClassList > ae108 > cpppetsc > InsertionProxy< INSERT_VALUES >
This class redirects calls to = to the internal functor.
#include <InsertionProxy.h>
Public Attributes
Type | Name |
std::function< void(const PetscScalar)> | _functor |
Public Functions
Type | Name |
InsertionProxy & | operator= (const PetscScalar value) |
Public Attributes Documentation
variable _functor
std::function<void(const PetscScalar)> ae108::cpppetsc::InsertionProxy< INSERT_VALUES >::_functor;
Public Functions Documentation
function operator=
inline InsertionProxy & ae108::cpppetsc::InsertionProxy< INSERT_VALUES >::operator= (
const PetscScalar value
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file cpppetsc/src/include/ae108/cpppetsc/InsertionProxy.h