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Struct ae108::elements::CoreElement

template <class MaterialModel_, class Integrator_, class ValueType_, class RealType_>

ClassList > ae108 > elements > CoreElement

An element that computes energy, forces, and stiffness matrix using a material model and an integrator.

  • #include <CoreElement.h>

Inherits the following classes: ae108::elements::ElementBase

Public Types

Type Name
typedef Integrator_ Integrator
typedef MaterialModel_ MaterialModel

Public Types inherited from ae108::elements::ElementBase

See ae108::elements::ElementBase

Type Name
typedef real_type Energy
typedef NodalDisplacements Forces
The forces equal to $d_{ij} E$. Here, d_ij refers to the derivative with respect to jth degree of freedom of the ith node.
typedef tensor::Tensor< value_type, Size_, DegreesOfFreedom_ > NodalDisplacements
The displacements per node.
typedef Eigen::Matrix< value_type, Size_ *DegreesOfFreedom_, Size_ *DegreesOfFreedom_, Eigen::RowMajor > StiffnessMatrix
The stiffness matrix equal to $d_{ij} d_{kl} E$. Here, d_ij refers to the derivative with respect to jth degree of freedom of the ith node.
typedef real_type Time
typedef RealType_ real_type
typedef SizeType_ size_type
typedef ValueType_ value_type

Public Attributes

Type Name
Integrator integrator
The instance of the class used to integrate entities (e.g. energy).
MaterialModel model
The instance of the model used to compute entities at integration points (e.g. energy).

Public Functions inherited from ae108::elements::ElementBase

See ae108::elements::ElementBase

Type Name
Energy computeEnergy (const NodalDisplacements & displacements, const Time & time) const
Computes the energy for the given displacements.
Forces computeForces (const NodalDisplacements & displacements, const Time & time) const
Computes the forces for the given displacements.
StiffnessMatrix computeStiffnessMatrix (const NodalDisplacements & displacements, const Time & time) const
Computes the stiffness matrix for the given displacements.

Public Static Functions inherited from ae108::elements::ElementBase

See ae108::elements::ElementBase

Type Name
constexpr size_type degrees_of_freedom () noexcept
Number of degrees of freedom.
constexpr size_type dimension () noexcept
The dimension of physical space.
constexpr size_type size () noexcept
Number of element nodes / shape functions.

Public Types Documentation

typedef Integrator

using ae108::elements::CoreElement< MaterialModel_, Integrator_, ValueType_, RealType_ >::Integrator =  Integrator_;

typedef MaterialModel

using ae108::elements::CoreElement< MaterialModel_, Integrator_, ValueType_, RealType_ >::MaterialModel =  MaterialModel_;

Public Attributes Documentation

variable integrator

The instance of the class used to integrate entities (e.g. energy).

Integrator ae108::elements::CoreElement< MaterialModel_, Integrator_, ValueType_, RealType_ >::integrator;

variable model

The instance of the model used to compute entities at integration points (e.g. energy).

MaterialModel ae108::elements::CoreElement< MaterialModel_, Integrator_, ValueType_, RealType_ >::model;

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file elements/src/include/ae108/elements/CoreElement.h